Friday, December 27, 2013

Be Not Afraid

Matthew 14:27
“But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid,”

Be not afraid

Have you experienced something so fearful that made your heart beats faster; that you can’t even make a move for it can trigger the pain; that your mind seems to yell “This is terrible, you can’t do it.”; that your head went left and right, up and down, looking for someone to give you courage.. looking for someone who can understand that you’re afraid and you need someone to hold on to; that knowing someone is there for you, is enough to calm your fear.

We all need someone; someone who will give us strength in moments of fear and in our weaknesses. We need to see someone beside us when we are in fear. Someone who will never leave us until the fear subsides. Someone who will fight the fear with you and someone who will say “Don’t be afraid, I am here.”

You may say that not all the time there will be someone. Yes, you are right! People can fail us. We tend to fail eachother. We have this tendency to be selfish and mind our own problems. And sometimes, even the person who loves you, the one you thought who’ll be there with you when you’re down and afraid, can’t be with you. And that’s the time you become more afraid.

But I know Someone, Someone who will never leave us especially in moments of fear. His name is JESUS.

You might be facing something that causes you so much fear. I don’t know what it is and I don’t know how fearful it is for you. All I know is that Jesus is beside you; trying to lift you with His hand and saying “be not afraid, I am here.”

All you have to do is to trust Him. How come you trust people and not trust your God? Let Him handle whatever fear you have. Don’t fight His hands, He’s trying to lift you. Listen to Him, He’s telling you to not be afraid.

Remember that God is more than enough to calm your fear. Be not afraid.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Book of Esther

In the earlier part of this book, it made me ask God why such thing had to happen to Queen Vashti. Surely she did not do something wrong. She didn't do what her king asked for because to her, it was a foolish action.
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But then i realized two things:

1. Obeying what the king asked for was neither wrong.

2. It must happen. What happened to Queen Vashti must be done inorder to emphasize the authority of men and also to bless Israel through Esther.

And at the latter part of the book, it was concluded, in my own perception, that women have powers over men. We may not have it by means of physical strength but we have our own ways. :) And may we use it to bring glory unto God.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Book of Jonah

I've known the Book of Jonah ever since I became a christian, but upon reading this book again, I realized and learned new things from God.

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1. When God tells you to do something, He's not after the outcome or result of the task because He knows very well what would it be. God is after your obedience and your heart.

2. God reveals Himself more when you listen. Didn't Jonah realize that God cares even for the wickedest of wicked like those in Nineveh.

3. Don't dare question why sometimes or most of the time, wicked people suffer less than those who do good. It's not for you to compare, it's for you to have compassion for them. Because ahead them is a real destruction.