Wednesday, February 25, 2015

To Overcome Evil with Good

Romans 12:20-21

“Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire in his head.”

“Be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good.”

To Overcome Evil with Good

I’ve known these verses long before I became committed unto God, but only now did it become so personal to me.

As a human, or rather as being me, I have this tendency to pay evil with evil; to pay pain with pain; to pay anger with anger; to pay shout with a shout. And it does feel good at that very moment but after the commotion, even I have won the fight, I became shattered deep inside. And the truth is, I’m the real loser.

To overcome evil with good is not an easy thing to do, well, at least for me, if not for you. But that won’t make me give up. Besides, in this world, you will need to go through something difficult in order to have a better version of yourself.  And I’m a work in progress. ;) I’m a God’s work still in progress, to be exact. And that is what kept me going – the hope that comes from God. It gives me strength to go on.

Overcoming evil with good is not our fight alone, God carries us with this fight. And what’s good about this is that He’s a victorious God. He have won the battle long ago. So be still and expect victory. We are God’s work still in progress. ;)