Saturday, September 15, 2018

Pray Like Solomon

1 King 3:11-13

Solomom chose and asked God to grant him a wise and understanding heart because he knew leading people will not be an easy task. He needs discernment between good and evil and this should come from the Lord. (You may read 1 King 5-8 to verify this.)

Also, we must take note that he didn't ask for it for the benefit of himself but of the others... for the people he is leading. He didn't ask for it to become famous or that people will look up to him as someone great. He just wanted to lead the people with fair judgment that comes from the Lord.

These verses do not only show us the quality of a good leader but also God subtly emphasized that when we asked or pray for something it should not be because of selfish ambitions. So, may we all check our hearts for the things we are praying and asking God for. What is your purpose for praying it to God?

Have a great Sunday! Shalom!