Saturday, September 13, 2014

The grace of God

I once heard this phrase, 'Christians who keep on sinning are those who really know the depth of God's grace.' and I would very much agree to that, but it doesn't mean I wont oppose -- oppose to those Christians who really know the depth of God's grace.

Yes it is so true that our God is a gracious God; if His grace is an ocean we're all sinking -- that's how big His grace is, well actually it's immeasurable. But hey, that doesn't give us Christians the unlimited passes to go on sinning.

Just because God has this wide open arms that welcome you after asking forgiveness and repentance, you'd grab every opportunity to go with what your flesh desires. That is maybe a logical action but it is so heartbreaking, not only to other Christians around you but mostly to the gracious God above you.

Remember that God has this big grace for us because He has a great big love for us. And imagine how much pain we cost Him every time we choose to sin. Imagine how heartbreaking it is for Him. And if someone is really a Christian that someone would never have the gut to keep on hurting the God who gave him/her a real salvation. A real Christian would gradually or maybe instantly turn his back from sinning; a 180° turn from sin.

I know it's not right to judge. Whatever it is, it's always between that person and God. But just so you know a real lover would never hurt his lover even if he knows that he will always be forgiven, if so, then maybe he is a fake lover.

We always have the choice: to sin or not to sin; to represent the world or to represent Christ in you.

The bible does not only contain the message of the grace of God, It also states that "If anyone is in Christ he is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold all things become new." Also It states that, "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.", and on and on the Bible states more.

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