Friday, November 20, 2015

With Cause

22 Yet, behold, therein shall be left a remnant that shall be brought forth, both sons and daughters: behold, they shall come forth unto you, and ye shall see their way and their doings: and ye shall be comforted concerning the evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem, even concerning all that I have brought upon it.

23 And they shall comfort you, when ye see their ways and their doings: and ye shall know that I have not done without cause all that I have done in it, saith the Lord God.

-Ezekiel 14:22-23

These verses remind me that if we are allowing God to lead our lives, He surely is directing our lives, and He knows what He's doing very well.

These verses gives me strength to hold on unto God no matter what is happening. He does not do things without a cause and that is more than enough for me to keep holding on unto Him. And besides He holds me so dear too.

Thank you Lord for the cause You are doing in my life.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

What is Happening To the World?

Ecclesiastes 7:29

This only have I found: God created mankind upright, but they have gone in search of many schemes."

What is happening to the world?

What we considered wrong for a very long time now became right in the eyes of many people. It just made me feel so bad that the world actually twisted the truth and then smothered it with fairness, love and sympathy. And who would not feel bad if the world is projecting that LGBTs were discriminated, unwanted, and deprived of many things? Of course that is totally inhumane and whoever would do that is heartless. But that doesn't mean we have to tolerate them; that doesn't mean that we have to set aside the truth. What we should do is to stand upon the truth, that if they're saying they believe that God created them that way and He loves them, then why go against what God intended them to be? If God created you as a man, then why change your sexuality?

I'm sorry I have to say this out while the world is rejoicing with the victory of LGBT after legalizing same-sex marriage in USA. I'm not writing this to condemn this group, I'm doing this because it's my duty to stand upon the truth. And I have to stand upon the truth.  It's the only way I can do to make the world see that  we were getting worse and we are becoming so blind as time goes by. I am writing this, because I hope someone from the LGBT community would have a grasp of these words and somehow think about the real meaning of LOVE --- the love that was first demonstrated by God, by Jesus. It's true that Jesus loves you no matter who you are and He wants a relationship with you. He wants you to know Him more and guess what? He knows you so well. And surely He created you man or woman for a reason. He did not make a mistake when He put that gender on your body. So ask Him why.

Someone said that there are three factors why people choose to go against the right thing:

1.Herd Instinct - A mentality characterized by a lack of individual decision-making or thoughtfulness, causing people to think and act in the same way as the majority of those around them. This is where wrong doings get accepted because everybody does it.

2. Emotional Stability - People decide to do something wrong and see it as something right because of what they feel.

3. Being Extremist - People decide to do something wrong and see it right because they strongly believe in their principle and their principle alone. (E.g. Hitler)

And I want you to know that these things I write here were not based on my opinion, it's based on God's word, God's truth; the manual of life -- The Bible. Because if I write based on my opinion, I would say, "Let them be. They deserve to be happy and let them have freedom to choose who they would want to love. They deserve an equal opportunity.", but no, we should always go back to the truth.

I don't want to appear a villain in this celebration, but I'd rather speak the truth than shut my mouth and simply watch these things pass by. I think of the future generation, and I'm afraid of who will they become: a generation who are so far from God.. So far from the heart of God. And what kind of world will that be? Now I believe that we are indeed in the last days. These things which are currently happening, were actually mentioned in the Bible, and the Lord Jesus, I guess, is at hand. I guess, He is coming back anytime soon.

And I'm sorry if this hurts, because really, truth hurts. But please don't get me wrong, I don't hate LGBT, that's why I'm telling them the truth.


"Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,'

"But at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female.'

and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.

This is the written account of Adam's family line. When God created mankind, he made them in the likeness of God.

"Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind.

Ask now about the former days, long before your time, from the day God created human beings on the earth; ask from one end of the heavens to the other. Has anything so great as this ever happened, or has anything like it ever been heard of?

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Walk in the Spirit

Photo credit: Shella Salud
"If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit."
Lord, help us to practice what we preach.
And may every time we fall into temptation of going against what You will,
Your gentle hands will pick us up.
Your comfort will come.
And Your love and grace will be enough 
for us to say no to our flesh the next time we'll be tempted.

And though this verse is as easy as ABC to memorize,
it's way lot harder to put this into actions.
But Lord we depend on You.
We cannot walk this walk alone.
Help us to always choose a walk in the Spirit.

Help us to represent You genuinely.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

To Overcome Evil with Good

Romans 12:20-21

“Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire in his head.”

“Be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good.”

To Overcome Evil with Good

I’ve known these verses long before I became committed unto God, but only now did it become so personal to me.

As a human, or rather as being me, I have this tendency to pay evil with evil; to pay pain with pain; to pay anger with anger; to pay shout with a shout. And it does feel good at that very moment but after the commotion, even I have won the fight, I became shattered deep inside. And the truth is, I’m the real loser.

To overcome evil with good is not an easy thing to do, well, at least for me, if not for you. But that won’t make me give up. Besides, in this world, you will need to go through something difficult in order to have a better version of yourself.  And I’m a work in progress. ;) I’m a God’s work still in progress, to be exact. And that is what kept me going – the hope that comes from God. It gives me strength to go on.

Overcoming evil with good is not our fight alone, God carries us with this fight. And what’s good about this is that He’s a victorious God. He have won the battle long ago. So be still and expect victory. We are God’s work still in progress. ;)