Friday, October 1, 2021

Lies Vs Truth

Last few days, I've been attacked by my own anxious mind (as always). Lies tried to linger in my mind. This lie kept popping up whenever I'm appreciating the goodness of God in my life. But few days ago, that lie has been so strong I cannot longer fight it with truth. It wants me to doubt, and I am slowly losing my confidence with the truth I have.

It says to me, "What if your God is not the real God? What if it's not God who kept saving you? What if you're not talking to the real God? What if He's not the One who kept sending your rescue? Because you don't deserve it all. Why would God bless and keep on saving someone who always fall short of His expectation?" 

But you know what, even in those silent battles, God hears. God sees. And here, right now, God gave me Isaiah 43:10 as an answer...

"10 You [are] My witnesses, says the LORD, and My servant whom I have chosen; that you may know and believe Me, and understand that I [am] He. Before Me no God was formed, nor shall there be after Me." (Isaiah 43:10).

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