Friday, November 21, 2014

Prison Break

Acts 12:5: "Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church."

In this verse, Peter was literally held in prison, and of course he needs a firm support from his family. And a constant prayer to God was the most powerful thing they could offer.

But I believe, this verse does not only talk about literal prison, it also talks about situations -- something that isn't tangible and no hammer could break. But there is nothing impossible with the mighty hand of God. No walls, no bars, and no prison in our life that He cannot break. He can set us free, even if we are not willing to be set free. But still, we have to decide and choose freedom.

And if you know someone who is held captive by their own prison -- maybe vices, maybe addiction, maybe despair or bitterness, or whatever situation they are going through; this verse is a reminder that they need a constant prayer. They may not tell it, but really they need your prayer. It's the most powerful weapon we could use to help them gain their freedom. They need your support, they need God to set them free. Pray for them. :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

May He be Glorified

(Read John 17 for reference)

This chapter reveals to me that in order for God to be glorified in us, we must go through something difficult; something painful; something that makes us suffer. It is not easy, and by just thinking about it, I fear. But the end, will always be amazing and perfect. It creates something in us; It brings something great; It makes us more closer to God; God shines more in our life. And He will be glorified. And that is the purpose of being a Christian - to bring glory unto God.

So remember that whatever you are facing, remind yourself that you are never alone, for it is God's way for Him to be glorified in your life. And no, He is not a selfish God who seeks glory, He is a God who deserves glory.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Power of Giving

Speaker: Ptr. Jun Valenzuela
John 6:1-21

> God deserves your best.

> Give to God your best and let Him do the rest.

> The one who gives more are the one who will receive more.

> We need to constantly evaluate ourselves if we are still walking on the right path with God.

> Walking with God does not mean we are on a smooth sailing. Storm will come, but definitely, we are never going to be alone. He will call the storm to stop and calm the raging waves of the ocean. We are safe.

> God does not want a large amount of followers, He only wants the genuine hearts that is truly following Him. And so it has the same principle when it comes to giving unto Him.

> Number does not matter, our heart does.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Ang Dulot ng Kasalanan

Speaker: Kuya John

- Isang bagay na nagpapahirap sa 
atin ay kasalanan.

- Ang isang taong may malaking kapangyarihan ay may malaking posibilidad na magkamali.

- Ang tao ay prone sa kasalanan yan ang bunga ng pagkakasala nila Eva at Adam.

- Pero ang kasalanan natin ay binayaran na ng Panginoong Hesus.

- At kung ikaw ay tunay ng Kriastyano, dapat proud ka at isinasabuhay, at dapat hindi mo ginagawa ang bagay na ayaw ng Diyos -- ang kasalanan.

- Ang kabanalan ko ay hindi base sa sarili ko kundi kay Kristo na nasa akin.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

What is a holy place?

A holy place is somewhere God's presence is acknowledge. God is omnipresent, but in order for a place to be considered holy, God's presence must be acknowledged.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The grace of God

I once heard this phrase, 'Christians who keep on sinning are those who really know the depth of God's grace.' and I would very much agree to that, but it doesn't mean I wont oppose -- oppose to those Christians who really know the depth of God's grace.

Yes it is so true that our God is a gracious God; if His grace is an ocean we're all sinking -- that's how big His grace is, well actually it's immeasurable. But hey, that doesn't give us Christians the unlimited passes to go on sinning.

Just because God has this wide open arms that welcome you after asking forgiveness and repentance, you'd grab every opportunity to go with what your flesh desires. That is maybe a logical action but it is so heartbreaking, not only to other Christians around you but mostly to the gracious God above you.

Remember that God has this big grace for us because He has a great big love for us. And imagine how much pain we cost Him every time we choose to sin. Imagine how heartbreaking it is for Him. And if someone is really a Christian that someone would never have the gut to keep on hurting the God who gave him/her a real salvation. A real Christian would gradually or maybe instantly turn his back from sinning; a 180° turn from sin.

I know it's not right to judge. Whatever it is, it's always between that person and God. But just so you know a real lover would never hurt his lover even if he knows that he will always be forgiven, if so, then maybe he is a fake lover.

We always have the choice: to sin or not to sin; to represent the world or to represent Christ in you.

The bible does not only contain the message of the grace of God, It also states that "If anyone is in Christ he is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold all things become new." Also It states that, "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.", and on and on the Bible states more.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The perfect landing.

John 6:21: "Then they willingly received Him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land where they were going."

This verse made me realize one thing or maybe reminded me one great thing: that whenever you are with Jesus, you will surely get to your destination, to the right destination.

Our world often gets deceiving and there 's a possibility we fall into its deception, but God made it clear even in the old times and even in our previous journey that the moment we let Him handle the situation is the moment we start to go in the right direction. So let us receive Jesus not just in our lives but in every moment of every situation in our lives. And that's the only thing you can do in order for you to land where you should land.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Buhay ng Isang Tagumpay

speaker: kuya john
(Exodus 18:11)

- Napakasaklap ng buhay na walang pag-asa.

- Mahirap mamuno; hindi madaling maging leader; pero libre naman ang humingi ng tulong.

-Hindi ka si superman, kailangan mo din ng tulong ng iba.

- Huwag mong solohin ang problema at wag mong akuin ang lahat ng trabaho.

- Kaya ka naiistress dahil inaako mo ang lahat.

- Gumagamit ang Diyos ng mga taong tutulong sayo

Sunday, July 6, 2014

We fall down..

Mark 14: 72 (KJV)
"And the second time the cock crew. And Peter called to mind the word that Jesus said unto him, Before the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny me thrice. And when he thought thereon, he wept."


This verse is a true reflection of Christian life. They fall down and they often do. They may not be directly denying Jesus like Peter, but come to think of it: is sinning not a form of denial unto God?

Being a follower of Christ does not make you any perfect than others. You will commit mistakes, and you will feel bad. But we have to remember that this is the nature of human - to serve whatever his flesh desires. But the good news is that it never ends there, God's perfection surrounds His children and that made them different from the world. And His perfection is always available to anyone who will accept Him in their hearts.
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His perfect love and grace is always ready to pick us up when we're down; The very moment we weep unto Him for the sins we have done, is the very moment He'll comfort us.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Mysteries behind His parables....

(Read Matthew 13 for reference)

I thought that Jesus said all His teachings in parables merely because it was the best way to connect with people in their place during those times, but then God impressed a new perspective to me while reading this chapter again.

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God was teaching through parables to also show that what seems not understandable will make sense in due time.

Admit it or not, this thing happens. We often caught ourselves in a not-so-understandable situation and God is using that because He wants to reveal something - something great and astonishing; we'll be amazed just like the reaction of those people when they finally get the mysteries behind His parables.

That's why whenever you found yourself in a not-so-understandable situation, prepare yourself for something great, because God will reveal an amazing thing behind your mysterious situation.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

When Jesus Healed...

Mark 7:36-37 King James Version (KJV)

36 And he charged them that they should tell no man: but the more he charged them, so much the more a great deal they published it;
37 And were beyond measure astonished, saying, He hath done all things well: he maketh both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak.

Mark 7:36-37 New International Version (NIV)

36 Jesus commanded them not to tell anyone. But the more he did so, the more they kept talking about it. 37 People were overwhelmed with amazement. “He has done everything well,” they said. “He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”


Whenever I read about someone that Jesus healed, Jesus often command them not to tell what He had done to others, but as always, they disobeyed Jesus and tell to everyone they know how miraculously Jesus healed them.

For quite some time, I thought they were sinning through disobedience, but I learned something else upon reading these verses.

I learned that they were actually praising God, confessing to everyone they know how an amazing Healer Jesus is. They cannot contain the joy in their hearts and they need to share it with others. They were touched by a Great Healer and they have to tell the world because their heart is jumping violently with pure joy.

And as Christians, don't we have to do the same? For someone who have been touched by God and experienced great things from Him, doesn't my heart jump with joy that I cannot contain? Therefore, just like those who have been healed in the Bible, I must stand and testify to everyone I know how great is the God I am serving and how big is His love for all of us.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

How He Loves

This song never fails to touch my heart; it always reminds me of how great the love of God has for me, for us. This is one of the personal songs that I feel I had written for God, its lyrics speak what my heart would love to say to God.

And just so you would like to sing along, here's the lyrics. I suggest you sing it with your heart, it feels much better than simply uttering it with your lips. :)

Verse 1:
He is jealous for me
Loves like a hurricane
I am a tree
Bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy
When all of a sudden
I am unaware of these
Afflictions eclipsed by glory
And I realize just how beautiful you are and
How great Your affections are for me

And Oh, How He loves us so
Oh, How He loves us
How He loves us so

He loves us
Whoa, How He loves us
Whoa, How He loves us
Whoa, How He loves
Yeah He loves us
Whoa, How He loves us
Whoa, How He loves us
Whoa, How He loves us

Verse 2:
We are His portion and
He is our prize
Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes, 
If grace is an ocean we're all sinking
So heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss
And my heart turns violently in side of my chest, 
I don't have time to maintain these regrets
When I think about the way

There you go, I hope it touches your heart too. :) And as for me, I'll never get tired of singing songs for God not because I can but because God deserves my praises, our praises. Thank You God for Your awesome love.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

God wants me to remember..

Read Matthew chapter 8 for reference.

There are three things that I realized again in this chapter, or maybe it's much appropriate to say that I was reminded again through reading this chapter.

And here are these three things that God wants me to remember:

1. God is a healer of all kinds of disease but faith plays a vital part in this. Without faith, you cannot experience full blast of blessing and healing. Don't ask me why yet, because as of now, I've been asking the same question. Don't get me wrong here, I believe that God is a healer and that He is a Mighty God who loves us so much that's why it made me wonder why he requires faith in order for us to be healed, given the fact that He is a God who does not depend on what men can do, but with His willingness to do so.

All I can say now is that I have faith in Him, not because He requires me to have but because it becomes so natural as I walk my path with Him; with His greatness; and with His love. And maybe that's the answer: faith is a product of your relationship with God and without a relationship with God surely you wont come to Him and ask for a healing. Therefore, God wants us to know Him and experience how great He is.

2. When we know that God is the God who is in control, then there's nothing to worry about, no matter what you are facing right now.

3. Pigs aren't really good to eat. Therefore, I should avoid eating it. :)
Thank You God! :D

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Soldier of God

2 Timothy 2:4-5 (KJV)

2 Timothy 2:4-5 (NIV)
No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer.Similarly, anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor’s crown except by competing according to the rules.


Soldier of God

It’s probably a slap on your face to read something like this when you’re getting busy with the things that are not of God. Surely this is a wake-up call for me, and may these verses be imprinted in my heart so I will always be reminded of my task as a soldier of God.

My task is not to be addicted with Facebook and lost my sense of priorities; not to sleep all day and lost my fellowship with my family; not to watch movies and lost my chance to share God’s word; not to attend every party and wake up late for Sunday worship.

My task is to put God first in everything I do; promote Him with every chance I have; do things with genuine love for Him.

It’s not wrong to do Facebook; it’s never wrong to sleep all day, not even watching movies nor attending every party in town. What is wrong is what’s on your heart when you do these things, and what comes after when you do them.

If it’s for God, it will never be hidden that it’s for God. The result and the outcome will reveal what really is in your heart.

No, it’s not easy to be a Christian. You must consider yourself as a soldier and you need to obey your Master. But the good thing about being a Christian is that you never fight alone, because your Master fights with you. He will never abandon you.

And as you obey, you will realize that it’s not the needs to obey that compels you to do things for God but because of His great Love that awakens your heart to love him too. Because God is love.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Beyond Debate

2 Timothy 2:14 (NIV)
14 Keep reminding them of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen

2 Timothy  2:24-25 (NIV)
24 And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. 25 Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth,

Here, the bible clearly states that we should avoid debate, which I’m fond of doing before.

It’s a good thing that God uses people to open our eyes in order to see His truths. Thanks to Paul and Kuya John (our youth leader) for making it clear why debate isn’t cool. Surely it will only cause great trouble and confusion.

You won’t win a man’s soul by having a debate with him. You will only trigger him to close his mind and fight eagerly for the things he believes. It may even make him despise you and your point, and then it will become even harder for you to win him for Christ.

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So the moment you feel a conversation is leading to debate, stop and listen to what that person is saying. And if he waits for your answer, tell exactly what your point is; if he listens or not, is not your job anymore. Just deliver your line, which should be the truth, and the rest is up to God.